Ridgecrest Herbals EssentialEyes
RidgeCrest Herbals EssentialEyes - 120 Capsules
RidgeCrest Herbals

RidgeCrest Herbals EssentialEyes - 120 Capsules

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EssentialEyes™ is a complex formula that provides full-spectrum support for overall eye wellness and helps sustain healthy eyes among the flood of negative effects of blue light damage rampant from modern technology. The ingredients in EssentialEyes™ have been shown to:

  • Supports eyes exposed to electronics & blue light*
  • Protects healthy macular and retinal function*
  • Promotes healthy low-light vision*
  • Increases nutrients essential to macular health*

    Rehmannia Raw Root

    Part of TCM, this herb was traditionally used to nourish Yin. Containing over twenty kinds of amino acids, Rehmannia root also consists of alkaloids, phosphoric acid, Vitamin A, and polysaccharides, along with numerous other components.

    Wild Yam Root

    A herbaceous twining vine, wild yam contains steroidal saponins, which studies have shown may help protect the body from free radicals. This can be beneficial for the eyes as blue light damage can increase free radicals. In TCM it was used to promote positive bile flow and to support the digestive system.

    Asiatic Dogwood Fruit

    Used in TCM for thousands of years, modern science has confirmed that this herb contains many beneficial compounds. Popular traditionally as a base for jams and fermented alcoholic beverages, this fruit is gaining popularity as a supplement because of its tonic, hepatoprotective properties. Like most fruit, it is rich in antioxidants, which have beneficial effects on eye health, as lower antioxidant levels in the eyes may be linked to age-related vision decline.

    Poria Fungal Body

    Poria, which contains multiple vitamins and other nutrients essential to healthy cardiac function and blood circulation, is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to rid the body of excess "dampness." In the process, it helps balance electrolytes and revitalizes the spleen, which is responsible for storing half of the body's white blood cells (monocytes). This supports the immune system and helps it function properly.

    Tree Peony Root Bark

    Found in the earliest TCM texts, tree peony bark was said to tonify Qi and promote longevity. A symbol of prosperity in Asia, peony has spiritual traditions in Greek, Buddhist, and American Hoodoo culture. Named after the Greek physician god Paeon, peony has now been shown to contain many beneficial compounds that can support the body in dealing with a variety of issues.

    Alisma Root

    In TCM, Alisma root is often used to promote urination and remove dampness. Originally found in the Fujian, Sichuan, and Jiangxi provinces, the traditional uses of this tuber first appear in the Divine Husbandman's Classic of the Materia Medica, written around 4,500 years ago. Some modern scientific evidence exists that Alisma root may have properties that help support the urinary tract.

    Cinnamon Bark

    Cinnamon has been used since the beginning of civilization, mentioned in Egyptian texts, the Bible, and other ancient works. One of the 50 fundamental herbs in TCM, cassia cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, which has been extensively studied and found to have antioxidant properties and the potential ability to support the immune system and the body's natural, healthy state free from excess inflammation.

    Lutein (Lutemax2020)

    (from omniactives.com:) Award-winning, globally-recognized Lutemax 2020 is a naturally-derived marigold extract providing all three macular carotenoids - lutein and enhanced levels of both zeaxanthin isomers (RR-and RS [meso]-zeaxanthin) - at the same 5:1 ratio as found in nature to optimally support eye health. Lutein and zeaxanthin are not produced by the body and their specialized locations and functions emphasize the need to consume all three macular carotenoids through diet or supplementation.

    Zeaxanthin Isomers (RR-zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin from Lutemax 2020)

    There are hundreds of carotenoids, but only two located in the human eye - lutein and zeaxanthin. These are not produced by the human body and need to be ingested, but the Western diet is severely lacking in this area. Carotenoids help the body filter blue light and defend the eye from oxidative stress. Lutemax 2020 is a trademarked product containing these essential carotenoids and has won several quality awards in the industry.


    Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native refers to bilberry as "black hearts" and these berries were common in Native American medicine, used to create a dark blue cloth that was extremely popular in Europe. A story from WWII claims that pilots experienced better dim-light vision after eating bilberry jam, but the scientific backing for this anecdote is still lacking. However, more evidence does exist that one compound found in bilberry, anthocyanosides, may help support retina health.


    Also called Euphrasia, which is Greek for "gladness," eyebright has been used for eye health since the 14th century and was popular as an ale in Elizabethan times. Today, we know it has alkaloids, tannins, volatile oils, and phenolic acids. This indicates it may have the ability to help support the body's natural, healthy state free from excess inflammation, and it may have astringent properties.

    Not for sale in California without Prop 65 warning.